Thursday 24 August 2017

This morning I learned what tessellation shapes. It is loads of shapes like triangles, squares, hexagons witch tessellates by themselves. You can even tesselate pentagons, but they wont be regular one.

this is the one i"m doing
Image result for tessellations

heres some examples
Image result for tessellation shapes

on wednesday I stood up and presented my speech,at first I was a little nervous but I managed to finish it.

The term has begun, we are so excited to do some fun learning … but then it happens  … we hear the teacher say the ‘s’ word! Yes that’s the ‘s’ word! Speeches! Oh no ! how are we going to survive, it’s the worst news ever, we have to write it, then edit it and put it on cue cards. Wait! I left out the main thing, the topic!  Now i’m stuck here trying to think of a topic.Hmmm what about my holiday, nah to boring. Oh I know, my dog, nah that’s too childish. How about my teacher? Wait, who would want to listen to that?. Hmmm oh I know … wait I forgot.Choosing a speech topic is hard enough, but then the teacher expects us to write arguments for and against certain topic and even have it on annoying little cue cards and to top it all off, after all that hard work, we are even expected to memorize it, wait, then what’s the point of cue cards? Now to deal with a homework issues with speeches. First they expect us to go home and ask for a little bit of help your parents. Do you know how difficult that is? it's basically impossible! Because all they talk about is the olden days, when they were kids. Who wants to listen to that? there ‘s nowhere to practise at my house, what with my annoying little sister shouting and making all of her noise she normally makes. At my house you’ll try to make an effort and you get laughed at. You know all that family stuff that goes on.And the hardest part of it all is memorising the whole speech without cue cards, in only one week, how is that possible? My memory is dreadful, how am I supposed to remember what to say for 4 whole minutes? Although I wish it could only be 1 minute.Do you remember a time when you started a speech and you got halfway through but just couldn’t end it? Well that’s my main problem, that’s where I am right now, what do I say for my conclusion?.What's my conclusion? What does a conclusion need? Let's get back on track, well I know that a conclusion ends a speech and wraps it up. Choosing a speech is hard, I’ve given you a example of my experience of writing a speech. I can only hope your experience has been easier, because before you know it the clock would have ticked by one years time and the teacher would be saying the ‘s’ word again

Thursday 1 June 2017

Christmas and Anzac day

April 25th a long time ago,
They went to battle at dawn,
Many lost their lives that day,
So we will march and remember those men,
Now we're sitting here on Christmas day,
With one little star we see sitting on top of the tree,
As we see the presents under for me,
We need to remember the soldiers that we,
Sadly can't see,
Struggling to fight from across the sea.

By Sienna

The old gentle man
From James and the Giant Peach

He was an old kind gentleman if you think about him, although his face is almost completely covered with silky white hair which looked like he was eating a cloud. With his old half broken walking stick.The old man had loads of skin hanging from his neck, but the only thing that stands out the most was his bright ocean blue eyes.

Thursday 23 March 2017

24th March 2017
My week

This week we had to make anzac poppies for social science. I have been trying to make 6 poppies and I luckily I have made 6-7 poppies. We are studying about anzac at the moment and I've learned a lot of things like the donkeys that carried the injured people and how many people have died from NZ.

I'm looking forward to this year with all the work that we have and our Teacher with her new hair cut,
I'm especially looking forward to Technology because we're creating a game on scratch so far I've made Fruit Ninja and Flappy bird.

I'm also looking forward to next Wednesday because of the basketball fixtures at St pauls and it will be my first time so I am really excited

                          Image result for work

Tuesday 21 March 2017

                                                                   year 7 camp

After a tiring week of camp we all decided to have a fun game of tug of war, we all gave our best and that's all that we want. Before we departed the site we had a  syndicate photo and threw our caps in the air.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

I'm sienna and I really enjoy playing basketball in my spare time, and I also like to write and build things at technology. I like to try things new this year and i'm looking forward to camp so I can try new things and do more CANI. I'll really like to get to know more people in year 7 and I'm excited to share some of my learning this year..